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Make it easy for policyholders to access coverage and receive support

Inbenta’s Conversational AI platform allows carriers to automate conversations with policyholders, answer questions and provide support
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insurance chat example

Reduce the burden on contact center agents

Deflect commonly asked questions, provide support and complete tasks automatically with Inbenta Chatbot, an AI-enabled chatbot
insurance search example

Make it easier for policyholders to understand their benefits

Use Inbenta Search or Knowledge services to make it easy for policyholder to find benefit details, policies and other information
insurance faq example

Improve policyholder experience with 24/7 customer support​

Engage customers and provide support assistance automatically, day or night, with autonomous Conversational AI services
insurance digital demo use case example

Easy step-by-step Product Digital Demos guide customers through your onboarding process

With Product Digital Demos, customers can try software features before using them live, so even the least tech-savvy customers can learn how to use your software